As a Creativity Coach I find that most of my clients struggle with simple life issues such as using their time, making decisions, working smarter--not harder, juggling tasks and responsibilities etc.
My book, SECRETS FROM A CREATIVITY COACH (available on Amazon or AWOC.COM) and my column in ART FOCUS OKLAHOMA magazine address these issues.
My blog, DO MORE, STRESS LESS, provides information on productivity and creativity in a super fast and easy format. Information will be practical and simple to use, making it easy for you to DO MORE, STRESS LESS.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Nice Ways to Say "NO"

A request to donate your time or skills is an invitation. You always have two choices: accept or decline. Before you respond, give this question some thought:
"Will this opportunity move me toward my goals?"

If you know your goal and can see that this request for your time will take you off-track, pass.
Remember, the "right" decision is the one that is right for you.

Here are a three nice ways to say no.

If asked to join a club, chair an event, help a friend clean out their garage etc. say,
"Thanks for thinking of me, but my free time is tied up with a new project. I'm sure you understand." 

If asked to do something that you've done before and don't want to do again, say,
"Thanks for asking, but I think it's time for someone new to have a chance to gain leadership experience within this group."

If you're asked to do something that is not in the least bit interesting say,
"Thanks, but that task is just not a fit for me."

Saying "no" in a nice way will leave doors open and friendships intact.

NEXT POST: more questions to ask before you make a decision about a request for your time.


  1. Terrific suggestions. Maybe a sign by my kitchen phone with these written on them.

  2. Excellent advice. I need to remember these and the fact that is okay to say no. It's always been the most difficult thing for me and I get trapped into doing so many things. Wishing you the best, Romney!
